Thursday, September 13, 2012

It has been a long sixteen months since we were last in Jerusalem... a time of surgery for both of us, physical therapy, and complete recovery.  Judy has a new knee and I have a repaired shoulder. 

We have enjoyed precious time with our family while we were home.  Full House for Christmas in Tampa, visits to Houston, New England, Louisiana and Montana.  We even got to throw in a couple of cruises!  Can't complain...

Suitcases are scattered around the house and and we are trying to pack.  We return to the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem Monday September 17th for two months.  We are excited and anxious go Up to Jerusalem!  What a great opportunity God has rewarded us with to serve Him near the village of His birth and city of His Crucifixion, burial and resurrection!

As we prepare to go can we ask you to pray for us as we travel "standby" (we get to fly if and when seats are available for us) for the first time.  If all goes well we will appreciate the savings!  Pray for our safety while in Israel.  We are always careful and observant of our surroundings and don't go off doing crazy stuff (I know that's hard for those of you who know Judy to believe!)  But it's true.  Just keep us in your prayers.

Know this... we are firmly convinced that God has called us to Israel and willingly follow Him.  We love this land and the people of Israel and are homesick for our "other home."  We will try to update the blog as we can... please enjoy it!

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