Friday, October 2, 2009

Yom Kippur


You are probably wondering why we would took pictures of  empty streets (no traffic).  These were taken on Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).  Everything shuts down on the Jewish side of Jerusalem.  There is no traffic except emergency vehicles, no phone, TV or radio service.  The shops are all closed.  Those who are at all religious fast.  It is a solemn day dedicated to thinking about God.  in Leviticus, it is a day to afflict one's soul.  A sacrifice was made of a goat for the sins of Israel on this day until the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD.  Today Jewish people believe your fate for the next year is sealed on this day based on past acts.

We did not imagine this would be one of our favorite feasts but it is.  It made us think about and be thankful for Jesus' atonement for our sins and the fact that our names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.  I am glad it is not based on what we do or have done but on Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God Who paid our sin debt on the Cross.  What peace and freedom that gives!

Can you imagine a day in the United States when all traffic, TV radio, shops, restaurants were closed?  Can you imagine a day when even secular people thought about God even if it was to recognize why everything was closed?  For us it was a day of great peace and overwhelming gratefulness to God.  What a thrill to be in Israel now.  We went to a Synagogue for one of the five services that people go to on this day.  Imagine going to church five times in one day! 

Shalom from Jerusalem!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is great!

Can't wait to see you SOON.
