Sunday, March 28, 2010

Palm Sunday in JERUSALEM!!!

What an incredible day. We are still flying high - hours afterwards!

We went up on the Mount of Olives this afternoon - along with several thousand other people to celebrate the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into the City of Jerusalem two thousand years ago. You can read all about it in Matthew 21:1-9, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:29-38 and John 12:12-15.

It was pretty amazing to stand on that same hillside with thousands of people waving Palm branches today and be reminded of that day two thousand years ago when Jesus came riding into the city on a donkey. I have often wondered if the people in the crowd really had a clue about what was going on and what was about to happen. I think Bill Hybels answers that question in a very concise way. Bill tells us that "... everyone who lined the streets had a different reason for waving those palms.

"Some were political activists; they'd heard Jesus had supernatural power, and they wanted Him to use it to free Israel from Roman rule.

"Others had loved ones who were sick or dying. They waved branches, hoping for physical healing.

"Some were onlookers merely looking for something to do,

"While others were genuine followers who wished jesus would establish Himself as an earthly King."

Then Bill tells us something that I have always believed. "Jesus was the only one in the parade who knew why He was going to Jerusalem - to die. He had a mission, while everyone else had an agenda."

I wish it would have been possible that you could have joined us on our journey down the Mount of Olives to the Old City of Jerusalem today. The next best thing is to wade through the following pictures!

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